Tebbe is a NASA Datanaut

Librarian… in… space! Heidi Tebbe, our Collections & Research Librarian for Engineering and Data Science, has been selected by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as part of the 2017 class of Datanauts. This group of 50 volunteers will draw upon their diverse skills, personalities, and interests to use NASA data and tools to help the organization evolve new processes. With her self-taught R experience, Tebbe will develop new coding skills and interact with NASA's data, tools, techniques, and subject matter experts. Datanauts solve data challenges, participate in virtual data chats with NASA and external experts, and attend community events hosted by class members.

Datanauts come from many backgrounds—data science consultants, software engineers, Ph.D. candidates across the sciences, data visualization specialists, sci-fi authors, and effects people. But there’s only one librarian among them!